Saturday, 18 September 2010

Liyana, the movie

Award-winning director, Aaron Kopp, and award-winning photographer, Amanda Kopp (also known as two of the most amazing people I know, and a part of my "extended family") are now working on Aaron's new film, Liyana. It is a documentary and animated adventure about a group of incredible orphans in Swaziland. The orphans live on the self-sustaining farm, New Life Homes (known as Likhaya Lemphilo Lensha in siSwati), a farm that Aaron's parents started many years ago and that my parents have also been involved with throughout.

The farm is developing wonderfully and the project is a truly sustainable one that has improved the life for about 30 Swazi-orphans in a real way - far from big donor driven projects and aid dependent structures. Aaron has made an inspiring short film about the farm, which won the "Golden Palm" at the Mexico International Film Festival, as well as “People’s Choice” and “Best Documentary” awards at other international festivals. See Likhaya here, it is only 15 min long will help you get to know the project better.

In Aaron's new film project, the children will learn to write an original African fairytale inspired by their own life experiences together with internationally acclaimed African storyteller Gcina Mhlope. I can imagine it'll be nothing short of amazing.

The making of this film is, however, dependent on talented inspired people like Aaron and Amanda, as well as on financial support from people like us. Even the tiniest donation makes a world of difference.. Please have a look at the project's website shown below and pass the message on - we need this information to spread like wildfire!