Spoke to 3, my mobile operator, and cancelled the sms-contract (or whatever it's called) on my phone for the day that I leave Sweden. A lot of operators insist that you let them know 3 months in advance, others just a few weeks in advance, so it's a good idea to check that in good time. I won't be cancelling my entire mobile though since 3 also has a really good network in Brisbane, so I'll be able to call home at normal rates (which is awesome). As long as you're calling within 3 of course.. So if you also have 3 and want to stay in touch, text me or leave a comment! :)
I've also cancelled my membership at the gym, which means I now have about 2 months left to try get my beach-bod sorted! :) But I have a feeling I'll be using that membership about as much these next few months as I have during the last few.. (ie. never.)

We went to Shurgard yesterday too, signed a bunch of papers and got a teeny tiny key. Going to pack my entire life into a 4m x 3m box! Bizarre to think that we trade in every single item of our material worth, all the stuff we've accumulated thus far in our lives, for this tiny little metal thing. A little scary too.. What if something happens? Sure, we've got insurance, but it won't replace all the personal attachments we have to our stuff..
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